Going Into The Circumstance of Life, No More Whys? No More Because, Sisters and Brother Sons and Daughter, Mums and Pa’s not to Blame.
What Have I Done or maybe not enough, so the Answer is do for Myself
And Never Look Back. Past Loves Goodbye the current one will know,
I can no Longer Live Without Knowing , I long for no more but what I got .
Footnote; Acceptance of non understanding of all
Hate is a Pain we Inflict on Our Divine Domain, again and again,
It Is the Highest Mountain to climb for it is the Furthest Journey to God in me forever.
For in the Hindrance of Never Coming Home, Is Not Hate In thou Heart,
That leads thou to thy fate of darkness to Journey again and again infinite in
An Ungodly World with thou only true Comfort is thy Heavenly Children,
Shinning from above with thou Mother and father Heavenly Spender.
Footnote; A man I seeked to meet
The American Dream is that but a figment of thy imagination, for they know not that of
Brotherly Love and they buildest a New Babylon only he that the Light Shineth on him
And he Praise he’s sake, thy Lord Jesus Christ and love his name sake as he did Love.
Footnote: Christian seeking their saviour, in a non Christian Land